I am an actors director blablablabla
Blablalba some more.....
"This work doesn't change you radically; it just makes you more completely and efficiently yourself; if you're a burglar it will simply make you a better burglar." ~ F.M. Alexander
"Alexander Technique is an experience of expansion that radiates from my center out through my entire being." ~ Trine C. Jensen
Trine draws inspiration from multiple teachers and disciplines that all influence her work as a mover, teacher, and performer. That's why performers feel so comfortable working with her.
Trine teaches movement based on the work of Joseph Pilates and F.M. Alexander with a focus on establishing new movement patterns online and in-person in Santa Monica. If you are interested, click here to book Trine directly, and here to book on Skillshub.
"Now 10 weeks since we started, there have been so many wonderful changes in my personal and professional life. My goal was to feel more comfortable and ease in my body, which I’ve done, but my lower back pain is gone. I’m more in tune with what my body is doing at any given moment. I’m having more fun behind the mic, and I fully believe it’s why I’m booking more work from auditions. Trine has given me a safe space to just BE, gave me the space to cry when I needed, laughed with me at my realizations of what I’m doing, reminded me it’s okay to not be perfect, find space and ease in my body, and heard me say, “This is so COOL!” about a thousand times… and so much more. I always found myself looking forward to the next lesson. That happy thought even got me through the LA traffic. I’m so excited to continue and keep unlearning more." ~ Bonnie Marie Williams, VO Actor.